Cynhelir y cyfarfodydd ar Nos Fercher olaf pob mis (ag eithrio Misoedd Gorffennaf, Awst a Rhagfyr), am 7.15 y.h.yn Neuadd Tysul.
Aelodaeth: £13 y flwyddyn (£11 consesiynau). Croeso hefyd i gyfarfodydd unigol £3 i bob cyfarfod.
Rhaglen 2020
29 Ionawr: AGM followed by a Presentation of New Society Acquisitions
26 Chwefror: "The Hillfort Heritage of Ceredigion & Cardigan Bay" Toby Driver, Royal Commission
"This talk will discuss the great Iron Age hillforts of Ceredigion, from their origins and the people who built them to prehistoric coastal trade along Cardigan Bay and some of the outstanding treasures which have been found locally, including the Pencoed y Foel neck-collar with its intricate Celtic designs.
Dr Toby Driver is an aerial archaeologist with the Royal Commission, Wales, based in Aberystwyth and has researched the Iron Age archaeology of Ceredigion and Wales. His sixth book, ‘The Hillforts of Cardigan Bay’ was published in 2016."
25 Mawrth: Helen Palmer, County Archivist: Topic to be confirmed Wedi'i ohirio.
29 Ebrill: “Inside the Criminal Archive” Richard Ireland Wedi'i ohirio.
27 Mai: “Dunkirk” Lester Mason Wedi'i ohirio
24 Mehefin: “Hallelujah Lasses: Women Officers in the Salvation Army in Wales” Nigel Callaghan Wedi'i ohirio
30 Medi: “Flowers on Graves: Two Welsh Customers” Michael Freeman Wedi'i ohirio
28 Hydref: “Tom Mathias: the Cilgerran Photographer” Emyr Phillips Wedi'i ohirio
25 Tachwedd: Sioe Ffilm gyda Ivor Thomas Wedi'i ohirio
9 Rhagfyr: Cinio Nadolig Wedi'i ohirio