Subscription from the 1st January: £16 pa (£14 concessions). Non-members welcome donation of £3 per meeting.
Meetings are usually the last Wednesday of the month (except July, August and December) at 7pm at the Riverside Bunkhouse, Llandysul Paddlers.
All Welcome !
Wednesday 29th January, 7pm
AGM (8 minutes max) followed by
Society’s recent Acquisitions of Photographs and Ephemer. Talk By Andrew Williams & Jane Kerr
February 26: The Welsh Women’s Peace Petition 1923. Talk Dr Siân Wyn Siencyn.
**Please note: the location of this talk is at the
Pwerdy - Powerhouse Community and Arts Centre.**
March 26: “Cocoa Palaces & Coffee Taverns: Practical Temperance in Action Talk by Nigel Callaghan.
April 30:
May 28:
June 25:
September 24:
October 29:
November 26:
December 10: Christmas Dinner