
In Remembrance of our WW1 Heroes & Heroines

An Exhibition dedicated to all those who served from Llandysul and the surrounding areas.

The Exhibition is on the first floor of Llandysul Library (lift available).

Open Tuesday and Thursday 10am – 5 pm and Saturday 10 am – 1 pm.

Exhibited are some of the 390 men and women who served from the area in the 1st World War. 

Our exhibition contains photographs, clippings from newspapers and memories from relatives. 

Limited exhibition space means that we can only show a small number.  Please look in our Archive Folders where you will see the information which we have found.

Volunteer researchers are continuing to work on this project.   If you have additional information on those shown here, or about anyone we have not yet recorded, please make contact and we will be please to include this in our Archive.


This Exhibition will remain in Llandysul Library until June 2019.